Young Professionals
Even before graduation is coming up or during the study, many pupils and students are asking themselves, what career path they should take. SUSS offers young applicants a great variety of possibilities and exciting options. A stepping-stone for your future career.
Please visit our German webpages if you would apply as a student or school student in Garching or Sternenfels.
Are you still a student, but you are seeking to use the acquired knowledge in real business life? You have already completed most of your studies, and you want to write your Bachelor’s or Master’s Thesis in an industrial environment? We would be more than happy to walk this way with you!
Internships as well as Bachelor’s or Master’s Thesis’ are possible in the following areas:
- Research and Development
- Construction
- Hard- and Software
- Applications
- Human Resources
- Finance
- Product Management
We look forward to your application!
Becoming a working student with us in the abovementioned fields is also possible. As a prerequisite, you need a valid enrollment certificate.
School Students
Are you looking forward to your last day at school and your first day at work? At SUSS you can play an active role in our innovation processes, and you have the chance to build up a proper career quickly.
We offer the following apprenticeships:
- Ausbildung zum Mechatroniker m/w/d (Garching)
- Ausbildung zur/m Industriekauffrau/-mann m/w/d (Garching)
- Ausbildung zum Mikrotechnologen m/w/d (Garching)
- Ausbildung zum Mechatroniker m/w/d (Sternenfels)
- Ausbildung zum Mikrotechnologen m/w/d (Sternenfels)
Project-based learning and a close link between theory and practical experience prepare you to take on responsible tasks soon, which is a key feature of our apprenticeship programs.
We are more than happy to provide you with the first insights into the business world by welcoming you for an internship. Please send us your CV and a short letter, telling us which apprenticeship you're interested in, including the time period in which you are available.
Application tips for young professionals
You are interested in a specific job offer or an apprenticeship and would like to apply now. Then get started - we look forward to your application. We would like to make the first step towards SUSS easy and to support you as much as possible in your application. Because we are as curious about you as you are about us.
Who We Are
SUSS is dedicated to the high-precision reproduction of microstructures. With almost seventy years of industrial experience, strong scientific curiosity and high quality standards, we drive forward products and processes. In addition to in-house application laboratories, SUSS also works in cooperation with leading research institutes. This link with research and science is an important innovation driver at SUSS.
An innovative and exciting professional environment awaits you.